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Future Rivals

Free Private Server by Future
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 What has happened...

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 64
Anmeldedatum : 2012-08-22

What has happened... Empty
PostSubject: What has happened...   What has happened... EmptyThu Oct 24, 2013 8:34 am

You may wonder, what has happened to Future Rivals

Feel free to read the below:

Future Rivals was a small Server Project which raised from my (Future) Ideas. I personally played some servers before and wanted to bring you my best ideas in the form of a complete new server.

The Server called "Future Rivals" started in the April of 2011 as a small hamachi project with 1 other friend. The development started and the server grew very slowly.
Players started to check out Future Rivals. Most of them were surprised but some of them left again...

On the 11. January 2013 Future Rivals was able to move to dedicated server only because of a big donation of the
Game Administrator Pr0t37t0r.
Thank you a lot for that!!!
Due my heavy utilization during my high school, I was not able to care enough of the server in this time, so we coulnd´t collect donations and couldn´t pay the server for the next month Crying or Very sad .

So we did a step back to hamachi.

Really unexpected we got the offer of the Sponsor "MMOWEBZ" to support our server and to give ous a free dedicated server. We did NOT want to leech of MMOWEBZ of course but the server didn´t had any donators. I´m sorry, but till that day, no money was payed back to sponsors Sad

The server ran 3 months on the root server of MMOWEBZ and reached the top of 27 players online in the end of March 2013:

What has happened... 27_use10

You can still read the server concepts and update notifications of the server, to see what has happened and been fixed in that time.

Unfortunately the MMOWEBZ Netzwork went down and Future Rivals died with it.
Since the end of May Future Rivals is unavailable to play. Not on hamachi, neither on any root server...

Coming close to the end, I - Future - want to say thanks to all the players who gave this server a chance and give a special thanks to:

Game Administrator Pr0t37t0r/Stealth,
MMOWEBZ Gaming Network,
Designer Auraya/Tenshi/Erufu and
Developer StarCrush

What has happened... 2nKKvCi

What has happened... 5dzpid6

What has happened... MeEeCpY
Remember... this is only what happened in the past. Nothing is said about, what could happen ~in the Future~
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